Doofinder is a search engine that specializes in product search and enhances the search experience of customers and online sales.
Doofinder offers the following functions:
- Autocomplete
The Doofinder delivers results so fast that you can find the product you want without leaving the homepage.
- Custom Results
You can add pre-defined results for any search term. This way you can offer your users the most interesting products for your business strategy.
- Facetted Navigation
Enables your users to refine their product search with filters and attributes such as price, color, size, brand, etc.
- Boosting
Manage your search algorithm to give more relevance and weight to the products you are more interested in selling
- Banners and promotions
With Doofinder you can display banners and promotions that are linked to specific search terms. Display the most relevant promotion depending on your search.
- Real Time Statistics
Use Doofinder Statistics to analyze search queries and increase the conversion of your business's search engine.
- Geolocalized search
Use your user's geolocalization to optimize the results.
- Synonyms
Create equivalences between different search terms. Words that are linked as synonyms give the same results.
Click here for more information about Doofinder. We have also developed a Pimcore Doofinder module that allows you to easily integrate Doofinder into Pimcore.
If you have further questions about Doofinder, don't hesitate to contact us.