Digital accessibility - what does that mean?

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The blog series "That's why digital accessibility helps everyone" deals with digital accessibility, the laws as well as the content. The first article deals with the general question of what digital accessibility actually is.
Websites are to pay attention to "digital accessibility" - and the regulations are being successively expanded. With its guidelines, the EU is deliberately positioning itself for more operators to focus on accessibility in the digital world.
What does accessibility mean on the Internet?
- People with low vision find it difficult to read text with little contrast.
- Without subtitles or sign language, the deaf and hard of hearing cannot understand the video.
- If the website design is very complex or contains a lot of animations, people with low concentration or low cognitive ability may feel stressed.
- Non-native speakers and people with low reading skills have difficulty understanding complex texts with long sentences.
Digital accessibility: EU Directive 2102 and who it applies to
- Special-purpose associations
- Health insurance companies and professional associations
- Online retailers
- Colleges, universities and universities of applied sciences
- Social security
- Chambers of industry and commerce, lawyers and doctors, professional associations and guilds
- Savings bank, state asset management and financial services
- Schools and kindergartens with online administration, and many more.
- Non-governmental organizations that do not provide essential services to the public
- Schools and day care centers without online administrative functions
- Historical and cultural archives
- Websites and apps with archive-only functions
- Non-accessible functions, with accessible alternatives
When must websites affected by this decision be accessible?
- E-commerce
- Banking services
- Audiovisual media, and more.